What is a 4work visa? Subclass 4) Working Holiday visa For young adults who want an extended holiday and to work here to fund it. To be eligible to apply for a second or third Working Holiday ( subclass 4) visa, you must have already completed a prescribed minimum period of “specified work” in certain circumstances. The Visa Subclass 4is essentially a holiday visa with the provision of working in the meantime.
The visa, when applied for the first time, must satisfy the condition that you must not have entered Australia in work and holiday visa subclass 4or subclass 462. The Working Holiday Visa ( subclass 417) and ( subclass 4) is a temporary visa for travellers who wish to work and study in Australia.
It is limited for a period of one year and renewable over years under certain conditions. It is a temporary visa that encourages cultural exchange and closer ties between Australia and eligible countries.
Letter of support from the government: 4subclass visas do not require a letter of support from the government of the applicant’s country, whereas applicants of the 4subclass do (unless explicitly specified). This visa can also be extended for a second or third year. Check out the eligibility criteria of Third Working Holiday Visa.
No dependent children should accompany you during your stay. You must have held a Second Subclass 4visa before. The processing time is between working days to weeks after your documents are with the embassy.
You may also apply for a second 4visa but an individual may only hold a maximum of two 4visas in their lifetime. The subclass 4is a temporary visa that allows the individual to work in Australia while they spend a holiday. The privileges that comes with a subclass visa 4in Australia are: It lets you spend a holiday and work there in order to fund your holiday and stay. The basic 4Visa fee is the amount you pay to the department at the time of application of your Visa 417.
In this case, the 4Visa fee is AUD 450. It is quite the dream, to be able to travel and work and work to travel around the globe.
The Working Holiday visa ( subclass 4) and Work and Holiday visa ( subclass 462) permits singles between and years of age from eligible countries to travel, live and work in Australia on a temporary visa. If you are applying for your first subclass 4visa, you must be outside Australia to lodge a valid visa application.

If you wish to extend or apply for your second Working Holiday Subclass 4visa, you must complete at least months or days full-time work of a specific nature and paid according to Australian workplace law in regional or country Australia (click here to learn more). However, you may only apply for one further extension or you can only hold this visa not more than twice in your lifetime.
The Working Holiday Maker program has two types of visas: Working Holiday visa ( Subclass 4) and Work and Holiday visa ( Subclass 462) depending on your country of residence. See below for lists of countries eligible for each visa.

These 12-month visas are issued under a program of cultural exchange between Australia and certain nations with the intention to promote diversity and intercultural understanding. Working Holiday Visa-If the applicant is applying for the first time under working st holiday scheme ( Subclass 4) then he should:- Outside Australia at the time of visa application and grant.
Not have previously entered Australia either on working holiday ( subclass 4) or work and holiday visa ( subclass 462). Working Holiday Visa ( Subclass 4) You may be granted up to three subclass 4visas, each with months validity, provided you meet certain work eligibility criteria. If you’re young and from an eligible country, the Working Holiday visa Australia ( subclass 4) offers you an amazing opportunity to travel and work in Australia.

Work and Holiday Visa ( Subclass 462) The subclass 4visa allows you to have an extended holiday in Australia and work to fund their trip. You’ll experience life in another culture, meet lots of people your age from all over the world and get to explore one of the most beautiful countries in the world. If you study with one education provider while on your first Working Holiday visa, you can return to the same provider for a further four months on your second Working Holiday visa.
Backpacker tax for Working Holiday ( subclass 4) and Work and Holiday ( subclass 462) visa holders set to stay at 15%! It is a visa that encourages cultural exchange and closer ties between Australia and eligible countries. Step 1: Prepare all the required documents, supporting documents. Step 3: Prepare the payment.
You can apply online by lodging your application. They’ll need to apply for a Second Working Holiday visa ( subclass 4) online using an ImmiAccount. Again, they’ll need to attach scanne colour copies of their identity documents and pay AUD $450.
Visitor ( subclass 600) Electronic Travel Authority ( subclass 601) Medical Treatment Visa ( subclass 602) eVisitor ( subclass 651) Working Holiday Visas. This program includes two different visa categories: Working Holiday visa ( Subclass 4) and Work and Holiday visa ( Subclass 462). Passport holders from Chile, Thailan Turkey or the United States of America may be eligible to apply for a Work and Holiday visa ( Subclass 462).
An applicant who has worked as a seasonal worker in regional Australia for a minimum of three months while on their first Working Holiday visa, may be eligible to apply for a second Working Holiday visa.
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