New equipments has been integrated into the new helicopter, including electronic warfare systems and some upgrades in radar warning devices. An upgraded version of Turkey’s ATAK combat helicopter, the ATAK FAZ, equipped with electronic warfare (EW) and other systems, made its first flight on November 13. Does atak faz have bullets inside its body?
Milli Savunma 88views. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help About. Giới quan sát nhận định loại vũ khí mới này cũng sẽ được triển khai sang Syria để thử lửa. SSB – Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı) Ισμαήλ Ντιμίρ ανακοίνωσε ότι η πρώτη πτήση του ελικοπτέρου Phase II ( FAZ-) ATAK διεξήχθη με.

Turkey’s first upgrade FAZ, ATAK combat helicopter took to the skies for the first time, the country’s defense ministry announced on November 13. The ATAK program has a history, First ATAK tender was won by Bell King Cobra helicopter. Turkish plan was like with the T_1to use the King Cobra hull and fill it with Turkish systems. Everything agreed upon but this was shot down by the US congress that refused transfer of technology.
Among other features, it includes Turkish sensors and weaponry and powerful engines to boost hot and high capabilities, something essential for Turkey’s operational environment. It is a twin-engine, tandem seat, multi-role, all-weather attack. Atak Faz-konfigürasyonundan ise ilk aşamada adet teslim edilecek. The ATAK FAZ-features advanced laser warning and electronic warfare systems.

Turkey plans to buy a batch of ATAK FAZ-2. Despite previous posts by MaxDefense naming these helicopters as AH-1F (Foxtrot), it appears that they are actually older AH-1S (Sierra). But it does not matter since these AH-1S have the same performance as the newer AH-1F. ATAK ’ın lazer ikaz alıcı ve diğer elektronik harp sistemleri ile donatılmış FAZ-versiyonu ilk uçuşunu başarıyla gerçekleştirdi.
T-1ATAK FAZ-konfigürasyonunda, Bkonfigürasyonunda bulunmayan Radar İkaz Alıcı Sistem, Radyo Sinyal Karıştırıcısı vb. Browse more videos. The ATAK -will also have improvements over the ATAK, such as increased payload and updated avionics.
The helicopter is designed for advanced attack and reconnaissance missions in hot and high environments and rough geography in both day and night conditions. Versioni Faz-i helikopterit Atak që është i pajisur me marrës paralajmërues lazer dhe sisteme të tjera elektronike të luftës ka kryer me sukses fluturimin e parë", tha Demir - Anadolu.
Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ phát triển trực thăng tấn công mới. Farnborough Airshow, the biennial trade aviation show running 16th-22nd July, opened today to the press. The latest civil and military aircraft designs were seen in both the static and flying displays, with a heavy presence from Airbus and Boeing, as well as Embraer, Lockhee and Mitsubishi amongst many others.
Er ist eine Weiterentwicklung, die aus einem Technologietransfer des Agusta A1hervorgegangenen ist, und wurde hauptsächlich von den türkischen Firmen TAI (Turkish Aerospace Industries) und Aselsan entwickelt, wobei diese von der italienischen Firma AgustaWestland durch. Earlier, it was equipped with two LHTEC T800-4As built by Light Helicopter Turbine Engine Company (LHTEC), a joint venture between Rolls-Royce and Honeywell.

TAI updadtes its site every so often, and the links always change. A-W either archives its news, or removes it entirely. This does not cover the various Turkish-designed additions like the FLIR turret and indigenous weaponry ( Cirit and Mizrak-U missile launchers etc.). T1Atak New Clip.
Gelişmeler hakkında bilgi veren Savunma Sanayi Başkanı Prof. Demir, “ Faz-versiyonunu bu yıl içinde ilk kez teslim edeceğiz” dedi.
Savunma Sanayi Başkanı İsmail Demir, ATAK ın lazer ikaz alıcı ve diğer elektronik harp sistemleri ile donatılmış FAZ-versiyonu ilk uçuşunu başarıyla gerçekleştirdiğini duyurdu. A tandem seat, twin-engine, NATO-interoperable attack helicopter optimized for attack, armed reconnaissance, precision strike and deep strike missions, at day and night all environments and regardless of weather conditions.
Subscribe today for unlimited access Attack and reconnaissance helicopter, based on AgustaWestland A129CBT. Lift type: Rotary wing: aircraft programs with these properties on the Ai.
Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanı Prof. Demir, gelişmeyi sosyal medya hesabından duyurdu. У Туреччині успішно відбулись перші випробування нового ударного вертольота ATAK FAZ-2.
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