It characterises the way our people work, creates an optimal working environment and underpins its success. Though physical trading, logistics and distribution are at the core of the business, these are complemented by refining, shipping, terminals, exploration and production, power generation, and retail businesses. For over years we have used our networks and infrastructure to manage the flow of energy around the worl efficiently and responsibly.
Tüm bu gelişmeler dikkate alındığında. Environmental concerns push Seoul to ramp up its switch from coal. Nigeria’s state oil firm NNPC has signed a $1. Vitol Group paid a record $2.
OMV, yüzde 1hissesine sahip olduğu Petrol Ofisiʹnin tüm hisselerini milyar 3milyar avroya satma kararı aldı. OMVʹnin satıştan elde edeceği net gelir ise kur etkisiyle birlikte milyar avro olacak.
Söz konusu satış ve devir işlemlerinin bu yılın üçüncü. Yapılan açıklamaya göre, söz konusu satış ve devir işlemlerinin bu yılın üçüncü çeyreğinde tamamlanması planlanıyor.
Vencer Energy, the company said on Monday, its first foray into the upstream business in the United States. Physical trading, logistics and distribution are at the core of the business, but are complemented by refining, shipping, terminals, exploration and production, power generation, mining and retail businesses.
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