What is the difference between active and passive voice? Is it incorrect to use the passive voice? Do active and passive voices matter? Once you know about active voice, the definition for passive voice is pretty simple.
It’s a verb form that meets two requirements. And regardless of the blah nature of the earlier examples above, when we simply need to describe a condition, using a linking verb might be our best option.

Step 1: Find the subject. Step 2: Find the verb (to use) Step 3: Ask "Did the subject perform the verb? The murderer used a knife. In other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.
A sentence is in the passive voice when the word that is the recipient of the action is the subject of the sentence. In general, the active voice makes your writing stronger, more direct, an you guessed it, more active. With the passive voice, the subject is acted upon by some other performer of the verb.
In case you weren’ t paying attention, the. If so, chances are you have a nice, clear sentence, written in active voice. In the passive voice, however, the subject is no longer performing the action of the verb. Put another way, the subject of a sentence in the passive voice is no longer the "doer" of the action, but the recipient of the action.
There are several reasons as to why we use the passive voice in English. In these notes, we’re going to focus on the past simple in the passive voice and its elaborations. Generally, we use the passive when the focus is on the action and NOT on WHO or WHAT is performing the action.
Passive Voice Isn’ t Wrong. It’s not even necessarily bad style. In fact, it’s often good style.

Overusing it can weaken your writing, but that’s true of just about any writing device you can think of. Knowing what is and is not passive voice, you can make better decisions about how you want to use it.
I didn ’ t fix the problem. Police protect the town. Show Answer John’s mother raised him in a small town. Mark if the sentence is in the active or passive voice. Remember to look for the. There can be good reasons to use the passive voice. This pie will be loved by John. Country music is sometimes hated. Active verbs with a passive meaning. Fewer people buy it. That is what you read on it. They told me that you were the best architect in this city.
In active sentences, the focus of the sentence is on the subject. She reported that the flowers were killed by frost.
Some people inform me that the director is going to take a business trip to England. Past simple – passive.
Alternating between the active voice and the passive voice is powerful enough to change the subject of the sentence and shift the verb form.
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